Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why don't I have what they have?

I have been wanting to write about this topic for a while now and I have been afraid but today I am facing my fears and writing what is on my mind. Writing is therapy for me. I have always loved writing. 
Everytime I am on the phone and if I happen to be sitting, I fill up a whole page with words . 
So here it is.

At some point, conscciously or unconsciously, whether we like to admit or not, we have asked this question.
Why dont't I have what they have?
This question comes after looking at someone's facebook profile or instagram.  
The answer is : How do you know what they have? how do you know what they don't have?

No one wants to post a picture with their eyes closed, their lipstick smudged, fighting with their significant other or yelling at their kids? 
Remember before digital photography, only nice pictures went into the photo album. Look at your mom's or your grandma's.
If people display happiness that doesn't mean they are problem free. 
If people smile , that does't mean they don't cry.
If people go on vacation, that does not mean they don't ever struggle financially.
If my son gets an award , that does not mean he is a perfect child because he is NOT. 
If someone is skinny , that does not mean they are healthy!
If someone is chubby, that does not mean they are sick!
If someone is successful that does not mean they don't work day and night!
If someone has a housekeeper , that does not mean they sit on their butts all day doing nothing!
If a mom is a stay at home mom, that does not mean she has nothing to do all day!
If kids are being homeschooled , that does not mean they will not make a difference in the world!
Get it???
We are all human beings. We get sad, upset, happy, angry, irritable, we go through highs and lows.
However, we don't showcase the negative emotions. We like to show people our good side, our good pose, our proud moments.
What do others do when they see positivity? They start envying? With envy comes negative energy that is directed to the person trying to portray their good side to their friends and family.
Whether you mean it or not, with the negative comments you make about your friend's picture, you are envying him/her and sending them negative vibes. 
Enough with the envy! and greed!
You have exactly what they have!
You have a brain, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, heart, lungs etc... Did I make my point?
You have something they don't have and that's YOU, your uniqueness , your voice and your mind/soul. 
So the next time you are looking at someone's picture , instead of envying them , genuinely compliment them. Send them good energy . Really pray for them if you tell them " prayers ". 
Comparing yourself to others is useless because you literally can't compete with every single person in the world !! So let it go, and be you !!! Coz only you can change you ! Only you can accomplish and achieve your dream by being unique not by envying and whining. 

There , I said it all because I'm guilty of it too . 
I want to thank Mastin Kipp of . As I was drafting this blog, I woke up the next day with a video about not comparing yourself to others which motivated me to continue writing about this topic. 

Thank you so much for reading my post, please feel free to comment and share with your friends and family. 
Please share with me what works for you and your family.  

Follow me on Instagram , tmblr, and twitter: @bzhealthymama;
Facebook: Healthy Mamas, Healthy Babies

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