Friday, June 27, 2014

What I eat and How I do it in a day !!!

I would like to thank all who follow and believe in my blog :)
Please feel free to share my blog with your friends and family. I would also love to hear from you , so please write me comments as I learn from each one of you :)

A little background of my life: I work full time at a school from 7:15-2:45 , well at two schools ( I am a Speech Therapist) ! I have about 50 students on my caseload and I don't  have an aide or an assistant. I do the testing, I do the therapy, the copies, the calling, etc....
I am also a wife... My husband owns his own business ! Check him out if  you are in Southern California (best mechanic in town )! Seriously ;)

I have an 8 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. 
My son has:

My family :)
  1.  Hip hop on Mondays from 4:00-5:00(
  2. Music ( Piano) on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 (
  3. Swimming on Thursdays from 4:45-5:15 which started at the end of May.
In the fall, he is starting flag football so we might quit dancing for now , we shall see;)
My daughter has swimming on Thursdays from 4:45-5:15. 
I have to be at work at 7:15 AM and my son's school does not start until 8:50 AM. So here is my day....
  • I wake up at 5:30 AM and go downstairs. I get the kids' lunches ready which is usually two servings of fruits and it's either pasta or rice for my daughter. At my daughter's school they can warm up her food so I store it in a small glass container and send a plastic bowl so she eats from it. She has broken three glass containers so I learned my lesson.  For my son , it can be a salad or nitrate free ham sandwich with spinach, non gmo organic cheese etc....But it's always two servings of fruits and some veggies for him. Do they eat it all? Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't ,just like any child.
  • Then on to my meals...I fill up my glass water bottles with filtered RO water - I pack at least 1.5 liters of water ( Next, I prepare my smoothie which I will drink for breakfast ( I will post recipes in another post) and get my lunch ready. It can be another smoothie or fruits or a salad it depends what I am in the mood for. I always make sure my breakfast is between 800-1000 calories and my lunch at least 500-700 calories. If I don't have enough fruits, I always take dried fruits for snacks. While I am preparing my food, I drink a glass of warm water.
  • After I am done preparing my meals , I take everything to the car , start it and go upstairs to get ready.
  • After I get dressed, I wake the kids up... I don't dress them up because it is still too early. So by now it is 6:30-6:40 AM.
  • I take the kids to my parents where my dad greets the kids and takes them inside... my daughter still cries to this day wanting to stay with me but sometimes she stays asleep . My mother dresses the kids up and dad takes them to school... I am so blessed with the best parents and grandma in the whole wide world.
  • On the road, I pray the rosary in the morning ( I am Catholic) on the way to work.
  • I get to work at 7:15-7:20 AM and start my day. I finish a 0.75 L of water and start drinking my smoothie about 8:30 AM in order to finish it before lunch lol my smoothies are huge (64 oz)
  • I take my lunch around noon unless I am not done with breakfast ( It has happened before LOL)
  • I leave work at 2:45 PM, pick up the kids from my parents and we go to the activities listed above...if we have time we do homework , if not we do homework when we get back home. Usually we are home by 5:30 PM unless it's Tuesday then we are not home until 7 PM. I am very glad that we have all week and weekend to complete my son's homework. He brings the packet home on Monday.
  • While we are home, I pick up and put things away then prepare dinner.  On Monday, I write the dinner menu for the week and print recipes if needed. Our dinners are 90% of the time vegan. It's always a salad and another cooked dish. I get my recipes from  I am not creative so I follow the recipe LOL . My son is not picky at all and eats everything I make, as for my daughter she recently started eating a little itty bitty of the salad which is a blessing. If you have little ones, try not to force them to eat their greens. Lead by example and they will follow, I promise :) She usually eats her greens either in a smoothie or cucumbers....cucumbers are the only vegetables she will actually eat .
  • After dinner, I clean the dishes, make sure downstairs is tidy and we all go up, take a bath and get dressed for bed. My son sleeps on his own but I sleep next to my daughter... I tried everything, I read a lot of books about sleeping. Both my son and daughter wanted me to sleep next to them. I am sure it is a habit taught accidentally by me ;) I used to dread bedtime because I didn't want to waste my time sleeping next to my daughter. Then I started embracing the moment and loving it... I love being next to her now because she is only gonna be this little for a short period of time so I am enjoying every moment.
  • After she falls asleep, it is time for me to hit the sack :)

Please note this is my schedule when we are at we are off for the summer and we are not as busy. 

If I can do it, if I can live this healthy lifestyle , anyone can!  Believe me!!! It is all a matter of will, commitment and consistency.

Prepared by my sister
I recently started incorporating more exercise in my life... My goal is to increase exercise because it is so important for the body and mind. 

Please feel free to share my blog with your friends and family. I would also love to hear from you , so please write me comments as I learn from each one of you :)

Follow me on Instagram and tmblr: bzhealthymama; Facebook: Healthy Mamas, Healthy Babies

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sam's club, do you really have to poison us with your bread?

I was planning on writing about another health related topic; however, few days ago my husband went to Sam's club ( and bought the white dinner rolls... Please check out who Sam's club is by clicking on the link!
They look fresh and they smell so good and I had the nerve to look at the ingredients... You would think a simple bread should not require TONS of ingredients !! Then , the SHOCK... Please see for yourself. 
I was able to read few ingredients and the majority I thought to myself "am I reading a chemistry book or just the ingredients in the bread my kids and my husband are about to eat?"

The few ingredients I researched are:

Why do we need high fructose corn syrup in bread? This stuff is used in candy and processed sweets.  High Fructose Corn Syrup is cheaper than sugar so now it's being used in mostly everything that is processed for the "taste" !! It's contributing to obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many more. Don't forget the GMO ( genetically modified organism) in the corn. This syrup is not found in nature and it is not derived from a non gmo plant; therefore, it cannot be consumed by human  beings who were designed to eat what comes from nature without being heated, processed or whatever done to it.
This is a chemical , in medicine used as an antacid and industrially used as the basis of adhesives, binders and cements.  So because you put corn syrup in the bread and other ingredients I couldn't read, you figured I would get a heartburn or indigestion so AHA we will put the antacid in there so they don't feel it!!! Really now? Are you serious?
It is used as the basis for cement...."Our body is a temple" NOT a construction site. We really don't need stuff that is used in cement .... oh I guess it helps with the baking huh???
This is the stuff that Subway used in their bread until they were called on it and now they removed it. Subway even advertises that they don't use it anymore. So if it is good for us, why didn't Subway continue using it in their bread? If it's good for us, why is it banned in Europe and Australia?
This is the stuff used in the production of foamed plastics as a blowing agent.  So is this bread for humans or for things? I am really starting to wonder now!!!This ingredient  ( I really should not be calling it ingredient), this substance has been identified as the cause of asthma , respiratory illnesses and allergies. Just ask how many kids or adults you know have asthma and allergies nowadays?? PLENTY!!!
I am not a baker, I am just a concerned mother who cannot see these substances being put in bread...the food that lots of people eat daily! So I looked up another brand just for comparison.
This is what this company has on their website :


Organic Whole Grain Wheat Flour, Organic Wheat Flour, Water, Organic Evaporated Cane Syrup, Organic Honey, Organic Cracked Wheat, Organic Soy Oil, Organic Flaxseed, Organic Cultured Wheat Flour, Organic Vinegar, Sea Salt, Yeast, Wheat Enzymes
Contains: Wheat, Soy
Manufactured in a facility that handles wheat, milk, eggs, soy and tree nuts.
We do not use GMOs in our products. No artificial flavors, no artificial colors, no artificial preservatives.
The ingredients can all be read by humans ! We don't need a dictionary or Wikipedia to look up flaxseed or wheat flour. 
Now of course the rolls from Sam's are way less expensive than the 6 dinner rolls found in the Alpine Valley brand; however, just ask yourself do I want to eat chemicals or bread?
Even better make your own bread, if you don't know the recipe google or YouTube one.  If you don't have time like myself to bake bread, just read the ingredients and choose wisely.
One person can make a difference because our kids and our bodies deserve better. So please make a difference in your life . 
I totally wish Sam's club and all the other big companies would remove all these substances from their bread ... let's get back to the basics !
Please note: The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of the original author.These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Alpine Valley Bread which was picked because this is what the blogger uses in her household. This subject is strictly for comparison and it is not being paid for by Alpine Valley Bread. 
All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.
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