More and more people are afraid of the sun and bathe themselves and their kids with sunscreen to protect their skin from cancer. However, cancer is on the rising so I don't think the sunscreen is helping !!!
More and more people are vitamin D deficient....just ask your friends and family and I can assure you a lot will have a deficiency.
We get our Vitamin D from the sun but when we lather our skin with sunscreen , we are not giving the sun a chance hence the deficiency, the depression , mood swings, irritability and anxiety. So get out in the sun and get your vitamin D from the source not from supplements.
There are plenty of articles out there stating the harsh chemicals in the sunscreen so I ask you: Which one is more harmful? The sunscreen? or the sun?
In my opinion, and according to plenty of research and articles written about the subject the sunscreen is more harmful to the skin than the sun.
As you all know me by now, I like to link articles to my blog because I do not claim to be an expert on anything. I research, use common sense and like to break it down in simpler terms to the people who follow me ( Thank you for the follow and support....there is a free giveaway, keep on reading LOL).
According to this guide choose sunscreen that has an SPF of 50 or below and avoid the following: fragrance, oxybenzone and vitamin A.
There are articles stating the benefits of sunscreens and others stating the harm of sunscreens. However, try to consider the motto I have been living by since I began my journey to healthy living:
"if you can't read it , don't eat it or put it on your skin."
The following are few tips to help you decide what to do when it comes to sunscreen and sun:
- Get out in the sun more. If you are at work all day, eat your lunch outside or take a quick walk during your break.
- If you are going to be in the sun for a little bit and you are fully clothed , there is no need for sunscreen.
- If you are going to be in the sun before 2:00 PM and for a period of time longer than 2 hours use a homemade sunscreen.
- If you are going to be in the sun after 4:00 PM there is no need for sunscreen, the sun is not harmful.
- Visit EWG and type in the name of your sunscreen , they will tell you how hazardous it is in case you bought a big case of sunscreens from Costco and you don't want to throw it away.
- Make your own sunscreen or support small businesses on Etsy and buy homemade sunscreen if you don't have time to make your own. I have tried the sunscreen from Mama Dre's and it does work. My kids were in the sun all day and they didn't get burnt.
Homemade sunscreens are the best in my opinion, however, you have to be aware that they do melt easily so you can just stick them in the cooler if you are on the beach or at the pool or your fridge when you come back home. They are more oily so my advice to this is let your skin absorb it for few minutes before you get in the water.
Here are the ingredients in Mama Dre's sunscreen stick : coconut oil, beeswax, Shea butter, hemp oil, vitamin e, zinc oxide and vanilla.
What is Zinc Oxide you say ? Well here it is
Zinc Oxide was used as a salve for eyes and open wounds in the Indian medicine, it was also used by others such as the Greeks, the Romans, etc.... So in my dictionary, this is safer than most of the ingredients available in the commercial sunscreens.
In order to continue to support small businesses I would like to send 10 of my followers homemade sunscreen sticks from Mama Dre's. Here are the rules in order to be entered in the giveaway:
- Like Healthy Mamas, Healthy Babies on Facebook
- Like Mama Dre's on Facebook
- Follow bzheathymama on Instagram, repost a picture and comment with #bzhealthymamagiveaway
- Share this post on any social network and tag #bzhealthymama
- Comment on this post with your ideas, suggestions, thoughts etc....good or bad I love the criticism and the challenge but keep it respectful . Agree or disagree with the idea and content not the person :)
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